Kristi Noem

Home Radio Ad - Aug. 28, 2012

Kristi Noem
August 28, 2012
Print friendly
Campaign status: Won

ANNOUNCER: When you grow up in a farming and ranching family, you learn to appreciate hard work and how to fight through tough times. Just ask Kristi Noem. She knows the challenges facing our farmers and ranchers right now because she's experienced it with their own family. Record drought, high fuel and fertilizer costs, and over-regulation by Washington are creating extra hardship for farmers and ranchers all across South Dakota. That's why Kristi has pushed for emergency drought relief, protections for our ethanol producers and a farm bill that’s good for South Dakota. And when bureaucrats at the Department of Labor wanted to stop our children from doing chores on family farms, Kristi told them: people in South Dakota don't need parenting tips from bureaucrats in Washington. Kristi Noem: here at home she's one of us. Out in Washington, she fights for us.

NOEM: I'm Kristi Noem, candidate for Congress, and I approve this message.