Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hillary for Labor - July 1, 2015

Hillary Rodham Clinton
July 01, 2015
Print friendly
Campaign status: Lost

CLINTON: So if anybody asks you if Labor will have a seat at the table in my White House, I hope you know the answer. Of course you will. Labor built the table, and there will be enough chairs around it for everybody to have a place. Because you cannot have a strong government and economy and society without manufacturing, and I am proud to be the New York AFL-CIO's favorite sister because of all of the work that I've done and I'll take that same commitment to the white house. Mr. President I believe in the basic bargain, and I believe unions help keep those bargains for American people. That is why it is so important that we pass the Employee Free Choice Act. Now, it's no secret that on equal pay and many other issues we're up against pretty powerful forces. I'm here to tell you, I'm not afraid to take them on. America is a land of builders and doers. There is hardly a square foot of America that doesn't have your fingerprints on it. From the roads we drive on, to the buildings we work in. None of that would have been possible without your unions. No one knowns better than our unions what it means to fight for the underdog. Every day, you are standing up for workers who need someone to stand up with them. I'm in this race for the very same reason. To fight for everyone who needs a champion in their corner.