Ann Kirkpatrick

District One Sheriffs Endorse - Oct. 27, 2010

Ann Kirkpatrick
October 27, 2010
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Campaign status: Won

BILL PRIBIL: A lot of politicians talk about illegal immigration.

JOHN ARMER: Ann Kirkpatrick is actually doing something about it.

K.C. CLARK: Working across party lines to secure our border.

STEVE TUCKER: With a plan that adds 3,500 more border agents.

PRIBIL, ARMER, CLARK AND TUCKER: Gives law enforcement new tools to take on drug smuggling…and combats border violence. She opposed the boycott…and stood up for Arizona.

ARMER: Ann Kirkpatrick is independent.

CLARK: Independent.

TUCKER: Independent.

PRIBIL: Ann Kirkpatrick is independent—just like Arizona.

KIRKPATRICK: I'm Ann Kirkpatrick and I approve this message.