Hillary Rodham Clinton

Chelsea's Mother's Day Message - May 10, 2008

Hillary Rodham Clinton
May 10, 2008
Print friendly
Campaign status: Lost

CHELSEA CLINTON: I'd like to tell you about my mom. Yes, she's running for president, but she's always done a lot of running. She'd run straight home from work to ensure we had dinner together every night and to help me with my homework. She'd run to school if I were sick and needed to be home with my mom taking care of me. She'd run from one softball game to one soccer game, every piano recital and every ballet recital. She's always been and continues to be my biggest fan. Like so many loving and devoted mothers I've met across this country, my mom raised me to believe in the values that are most important in life—self-confidence, kindness, compassion and most of all the Golden Rule—the values I know my grandmother passed on to her and that I hope to be able to pass on to my children. So as we celebrate Mother's Day this Sunday, I invite everyone to sign this very special card I have for her. Please write and let her know what you wish for most this Mother's Day. I know it's my mom's greatest wish that as president, she can help all our children to feel safe, secure and loved, and give every boy and girl the opportunity that she's given me to fulfill their dreams as I'm hoping to fulfill mine. I wanna wish every mother out there a happy Mother's Day, and remember—your little girls can be anything they want to be in America when they grow up—even if it's to be the second woman president. Happy Mother's Day.