Frances “Sissy” Farenthold

Campaign Ad 6 - 1972

Frances “Sissy” Farenthold
April 06, 1972
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Campaign status: Lost

FARENTHOLD: I'm Frances Farenthold, and I would appreciate your vote for governor. In '69, the governor called a special session of the legislature to pass the Sharpstown bank bills. While he was making a quick profit, the Speaker pushed the bills through the House; lieutenant governor rammed them through the Senate in one day. Over a year ago on March 15, '71, I introduced a resolution asking for a full investigation of the Sharpstown bank bills. Only 30 of us voted for it. Exactly one year later, twelve jurors in Abilene confirmed that my resolution was right and the leadership was wrong. Everyone is talking reform, but look at the record. We can do better. If you agree, I need your vote for governor.