Emily Cain

Acceptance Speech for Maine's 2nd District Primary - Jun. 10, 2014

Emily Cain
June 10, 2014— Bangor, Maine
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Thank you, thank you so much. This is amazing. Thank you so much, thank you to Danny, who has been by my side ever since I started this journey. You're my best friend and my closest advisor, and I want to thank you so much. Since the beginning of this race, we have been crisscrossing this district. We have been listening to Maine people, and we've been talking about the issues, that impact families and small businesses and communities. I have been truly humbled by the outpouring of support from across the district. From right here in Penobscot County, to Lewiston, and Auburn, Machias, Farmington, Presque Isle, and quite frankly, everywhere in between. And I've been honored to have the support of partners like EMILY's list, and the League of Conservation Voters, the American Federation of Teachers and IBDW-Local 104, Planned Parenthood, Equality Maine, and so many more.

I've said it a lot of time but you don't run for congress by yourself, you have a team. I have been blessed to have the very best team around. Led so amazingly by Levi Knapp. It has been Levi and James and Izzy and Kara and Travis and Robert and Jackson, and Will and Dan and Angela, and the dozens of interns from the University of Maine, from Husson College, from Colby College from Bates College and more who show up and help me every single day. I want to say an extra special thank you from my parents, Kevin and James Cain, who are here with me today, and have always been my rock.

I've said it before, but I'll say it again, there is no better practice for politics than being the oldest of three sisters. You learn to play nice, pick your battles, and make strategic alliances. I'm so proud and honored that my two sisters Beth and Eileen are here and my nephew Connor, one of my nephews, is here as well.

My mother-in-law and my cousins and people from all over the state and my family are here with me. And I really just need to say thank you to the supporters, and to the volunteers, who have come out day after day, to knock on doors, to make phone calls, to stuff envelopes and support our campaign, sometimes just by giving me a little pep talk, when I meet you at the grocery store. Without you, we would not be here tonight. This is truly your victory. Together, we will take the voices of Maine's middle class, to Washington D.C.

I want you to know how honored I've been to campaign alongside Senator Troy Jackson. Troy and I have stood shoulder to shoulder on important issues in the state legislature, like workers' rights, and support for raising the minimum wage, and expanding access to healthcare in our state. While we have had our differences in this campaign, Troy's personal story and struggle are powerful reminders of our shared values. He has been a steadfast and dedicated senator for the people of Aroostook County and the Democratic Party, and I am a better candidate for having had the honor of competing with him.

He and I spoke just a little while ago. He wished me congratulations, and I told him that I want to work together in the months ahead to continue to stand up for Maine families. We have to work together because we know how much is at stake for Maine in this election. With Congressman Mike Miso headed to the Blaine House, the National Republican party has already set its sights on this congressional seat. And republicans have been very clear about their agenda. Saying no from raising minimum wage. No, to equal pay for equal work. No, to the overwhelming scientific evidence that climate change exists. No, to a woman making her own healthcare decisions, and no to giving tax breaks to small businesses and the middle class, ahead of millionaires and corporations.

Well, I think it's time to say yes. It's time to say yes to a different kind of politics. We need more leaders and fewer fighters in Washington D.C. When all you say is no, nothing gets done. Partisan politics, that's the problem with congress today. You have two parties standing in opposite corners. That's why I've always been willing to work with anyone and everyone who wants to do the right thing for Maine. It's why I've stayed at the table. To make sure that Mainer's weren't going to be hurt by devastating cuts from the state budget. Because, staying at the table doesn't mean compromising the collective values, those values of protecting the middle class, securing social security, and Medicare for our seniors and future generations. In caring for our veterans. It means ensuring that we will always have a voice, standing up for these critical priorities. The number 1 priority of congress should be to make it easier for American workers to succeed.

How to strengthen and grow our economy is no great mystery. We have to make college more affordable. We need to provide a living wage so that workers don't have to struggle to get by. We must provide equal pay for equal work. In fact, you may not know this, but today happens to be the 51st anniversary of the day that President Kennedy signed the equal pay act into law, to end wage disparities based on gender. Well you laugh, but right now here in Maine, 51 years later, women still only make 83 cents for every dollar that men bring home. Right here, in our state.

Nationally, that number is even worse at 77 cents to the dollar. Republicans in congress have consistently blocked passage of the fair pay act. It is time to end pay discrimination, and start rewarding equal work with equal pay, immediately. This is critical. Not only for the strength of our families, but for the long term economic security. And you know, while we're at it, it's time to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. Once our workers are ready to retire, they should do so with confidence that social security and Medicare will be there for them in their golden years.

There is a real choice in this election. It's a choice between sending someone to Washington D.C. who has a track record of working with everyone, and who is willing to do the right thing for Maine families, and someone who refuses to leave their corner, and come to the table. I will work to keep and grow jobs, here in the second district. To lower the cost of higher education. To raise the minimum wage, and as a proud granddaughter of two world war two veterans, I will be at the table to ensure our nations heroes don't have to fight for the care and benefits they have earned and deeply deserve.

Right now, Maine's middle class is struggling. The personality politics and dysfunctioning Congress are only making things worse. We need leaders who can bring people together, and bring the voice of Maine people to the table, and who stay there until they get the job done. As a member of congress, I will be that voice for Maine who too often go unheard, and give Mainers more opportunity, and get our economy moving, and I promise you that every day I am in congress, just like every day I have been in the legislature, I will be your voice at the table.

So, are you ready? Are you with me? Are you ready to go to Washington, D.C.? Let's do it together, thank you so much. Thank you so much.

Speech from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ4uWrEaUTM