Kim Schrier

Bench - Aug. 3, 2022

Kim Schrier
August 03, 2022
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Campaign status: Won

SCHRIER: I'm Kim Schrier, and I approve this message.

FRANK KUNTZ: I'm the mayor of Wenatchee, and a Republican.

MARY LOU PAULY: And I'm the mayor of Issaquah, and I'm a Democrat.

KUNTZ: We don't agree on everything.

PAULY: But we do agree on this: Kim Schrier is doing a great job.

KUNTZ: Because Kim works with both parties.

PAULY: To get funding for our roads.

KUNTZ: And better equipment for police.

PAULY: She had five bills signed into law by Biden.

KUNTZ: Eight by Trump.

PAULY: It all adds up to this: Kim Schrier is effective and independent.

KUNTZ: And that works for all of us.