Marilyn Strickland

Voting For Marilyn - Jul. 23, 2020

Marilyn Strickland
July 23, 2020
Print friendly
Campaign status: Won

CHRISTINE GREGOIRE: why am I voting for Marilyn Strickland for Congress?

MAN 1: Because Marilyn gets results.

WOMAN 1: Why am I voting for Marilyn?

MAN 2: Why am I?

WOMAN 2: Because as Tacoma Mayor, Marilyn took action on climate change.

GARY LOCKE: Because Marilyn will pass a public healthcare option.

WOMAN 3: Why am I?

WOMAN 4: Because she'll protect Social Security.

WOMAN 5: And Medicare.

MAN 3: Why are we voting for Marilyn?

WOMAN 6: Why am I?

MAN 4: Because Marilyn will be the first African-American Washington state's ever elected to Congress.

GREGOIRE: Because she brings people together.

STRICKLAND: I'm Marilyn Strickland and I approve this message.