Tammy S Baldwin

Wisconsin Jobs - Mar. 7, 2024

Tammy S Baldwin
March 07, 2024
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RAUL STARBORN: We forge the O pars...

PERRY DETLOR: ...that hold up Bridges,

NICK HUBER: ...propel ships,

CAYDEN WITTROCK: ...and send Rockets into space.

JOHN KRYSIAK: But for years, China's been lowballing their prices,

DETLOR: ...so it's been tough to compete.

BALDWIN: We can't let China steal Wisconsin jobs, so I wrote a law to require American infrastructure projects use American Iron and steel.

HUBER: Tammy Balwin got President Trump to sign her Made in America bill.

DETLOR: And then, she got President Biden to make it permanent.

BALDWIN: I'm Tammy Baldwin, I approve this message.

WITTROCK: Tammy Baldwin has our back.