Debbie Mucarsel-Powell

Banned - Apr. 8, 2024

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell
April 08, 2024
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LORENA INCLAN: In the next 30 days, it will be illegal to get an abortion in Florida after 6 weeks of pregnancy.

WOMAN 1: It bans abortion at just 6 weeks into pregnancy. That is before most women even know that they are pregnant.

MUCARSEL-POWELL: This is a nearly total ban on abortion without hardly any exceptions to rape and incest. A ban, that actually Rick Scott said that he would have proudly supported and signed into law if he was governor.

WOMAN 2: Scott also doesn't seem to think women should be allowed to make decisions for themselves. He supported Governor DeSantis and his move to sign a six-week abortion ban – which he said he would have done if he was still Governor. Now as a senator, he thinks it's time to talk about a federal abortion ban.

RICK SCOTT: I firmly believe that life begins at conception. I am unapologetically pro-life.